Holiday Schedule:
Normal hours thru 12/23
12/24: Closed
12/25: Closed
12/26: 5PM WOD only. All other classes cancelled.
WOD 12 18 12
A1. (Deload) Bench Press: (5@36%, 5@45%, 5@54%)
A2. 3×8 Deficit Pushups (using 45# plates x 2 high)
A3. Pullups
B. For time:
100 Double Unders
20 GHD Situps
Row 2K
20 GHD Situps
100 Double Unders
Post loads, times, and comments.
Introduce yourselves to our newest Elements Grads! (L-R) Spencer, Jennifer, Robert, Bridgette
12 18 12
Welcome! This picture is adorable
This MetCon scares me…
Is there a time cap? ‘Cause those DUs might take me a little while…
TFoots – 50 DU attempts, 20 GHD, 2000, 20 GHD, 50 DU Attempts about 18:30…. not too bad if you’re scaling…
Thanks Troy! It still sucked with 50 DU attempts, 30 Abmat situps, 35# sumo deadlift high pulls until a rower was open and then 1200m. 21:31.
However, guess what I did today? …Pause for guesswork…
Yea, bitches!!!
Chin up was awesome! Way to go!
legs feelin worked right now. 16:27 rx