Today is Julie’s last day at CrossFit RTP, and she’ll be at the 4:30PM or 5:30PM class this afternoon for anyone that wants to stop by! Best of luck in DC Julie!
WOD 11 07 12
A. Spend 15 minutes playing with handstands. Focus on having a solid lockout and shoulder position.
B1. BTN Wide (Snatch) Grip Press 3×8: light to moderate weight
B2. Hip and Back Extensions 3×5. Note the difference between back and hip extensions.
C. 3 Rounds:
1 Wall Climb (sub shoulder touches)
7 Squat Cleans (185/115)
14 CTB Pullups
21 TTT Pushups
Post times, loads, and comments.
11 07 12
Pro-tip: auto-mute any CrossFit video.
Athlete Profiles present C*!
anyone looking to buy some new innov8s they are super cheap on right now, less than 50$ for most styles!
I love country Wednesdays… a lot. Thanks Phil!
Who doesn’t like a good theme party?
Thank you Phil?!? Try thank you Kris and Maggie who invented and advocated for Country Wednesday!
By the way, Carly, you are so welcome.
Thank you for appreciating my invention known as Country Wednesday.
Phil, you lie like a penny in the parking lot at the grocery store. I posted about country Wednesday on this here blog weeks ago. So you can take that city slicker fan and shove it.
Maggie, it just comes way to natural to him 😉
Seriously Phil. Maggie and I had this one. But you’re a pretty face so I don’t mind being the brains behind it :).
Also. Coffee shop?
Does this mean we can have dubstep Thursdays and death metal Fridays?
It’s gotta be Metal Mondays though, right?
PMAC is definitely on board with this.
Misty Metal Mondays…
Dubstep Thursdays is possible (if you supply the playlist) but I have a feeling Death Metal Any-days are going to be a tough sell.
But don’t let me speak for Misty. I think Misty loves death metal as much as Phil likes being interrupted when he’s looking at cat pictures.
Don’t even joke about that.
Misty opinion of death metal is exactly that…but in a month you guys can play whatever you want on Mondays…
You guys won me over on country Wednesdays. I was skeptical at first. Sorry Chef.
No offense taken C*…the Syndicate wasn’t having any of that today.
Huge class at 4:30!
Twelve (12) people.