P A. q(2:30) x 5 3 PP @ 80% *touch-and-go reps F A. q(2:30) x 5 5 PP + Recover Bike @ RPE 7 B. q(4:00) x 4: AMRAP [3] + REST [1] 200’ Shuttle run 20 DB PS Max
06 13 22
A. q(2:00) x 6 OHS 5×3 @ 65-75% then 1×5 @ 60% B. FT [18] 60/50cal Row 50 BJ 40 PU/Pulldowns or 20 sPU 30 OHS 135/95 or GS 20 HSPU/DB sPress *Target 15-17 minutes
6 11 21
P A. q(1:00) x 10 2 Box Squats, Pause BS, or OHS *70% of 5 RM BS *Set box height to 3” below parallel B. 3 RFT 400m Run 7 PC 7 HSC 7 SC *115/85 Extra: 4 sets 50’