Starting next week, for the month of Sept, we will adding a 7AM class to Mondays and Thursdays as a trial. WOD 08 26 13 A1. Back Squat 5×5 @ 75% A2. Box Jump 5×5 (box @ Mid-Thigh height).
06 03 12
The CrossFit Games Regional competition is upon us! Later this week (Fri, Sat, Sun), Kristen and Sarah will both be competing at the CrossFit Mid-Atlantic Regional competition in Landover, MD! Kristen will be competing as an individual, and Sarah will
06 01 13
WOD 06 01 13 A. Every 90 sec (0:00, 1:30, 3:00…12:00): 2 Push Jerks B1. Bent over Row (3×5) AHAP. Rest 30-60 sec between sets. B2. Strict chinups/pullups (3×10). Rest 30-60 sec between sets. C. In teams of 2, with