WOD 10 26 13 A. “Cub Complex” 4 Rounds of 4 reps of (2 DL + HPC +2 FS + 2 STO ) This portion is untimed. Work to as heavy of a load as needed. Each ‘complex’ is composed
10 02 13
WOD 10 02 13 A. 20 min to work to a max of: Nov: [2RM FS] Interm: [Hang Power Clean + 2 FS] Rx: [Hang Squat Clean + FS + T&G Squat Clean + FS + Jerk] B. 4 RFT:
08 10 13
WOD 08 10 13 A. 20 minutes to establish a 1RM Clean and Jerk B. In teams of 2, with 1PW@T, complete 8 Rounds (Not FT): 1 “HoneyBadger” Complex 1 Unbroken set of pullups 1 Unbroken set of dips or