03 12 14

WOD 03 12 14 A. Front Squat 4×4 @ 84% (Sets across).  Then, perform 1 ME set for reps. B1. Dips: 4 sets of 5-8 reps.  (Adv: Strict MU: 2-5 reps) Add weight to hit reps. B2. Glute Ham Raise

02 10 14

CrossFit Games Open 2014 has arrived!  Have you registered for our team?  What have you got to lose? Our Snatch clinic and Clean and Jerk clinic have been changed to 2/17 and 2/19, respectively. (Originally 2/18 and 2/20)   WOD 02

10 14 13

Thanks to the following folks who came out to our painting party on Sunday: Dallas, Matt, Liz, Eron, Greg, Kara, Mike, Alex, Kim, Dunsey!  You guys rock!  (On a related note, please excuse the mess near the walls until we