Guys, we have been on a squatting cycle for the last 6 weeks and heading into the last 2 weeks. If you have been feeling extremely sore, it is encouraged to take a few days using low percentages as a
09 29 14
WOD 09 29 14 A. BS 6×6 B. GHR (3×12) C.(P) AMRAP [8] 1-2-3-4-5… Squat Clean (185/125) MU 20 u/b DU after each round C. (F) AMRAP [8] 5-10-15-20-25… Goblet Squat Strict Chins 30 single unders after each round Post
09 08 14
WOD 09 08 14 P A. FS (6×6) B. Glute Ham Raise 2×12 C. 4RFT 7 Thrusters (135/95) 2 RC F A. FS (6×6) B. Weighted (KB/DB in both arms) lunges (in place). Fwd + Back = 1 rep. 3×6