07 23 14

Happy Birthday Erik “Jenkins”! WOD 07 23 14 A1. EMOM [10]: 5 x 30 sec max DU A2. EMOM [10]: 5 x 30 sec KB Swing or Snatch Perform B, C, and D with 1 continuous clock, teams of 2

06 27 14

CFRTP Summer Nutrition Challenge! (Starts next week!)  Click the link for details!  Don’t forget to attend seminars tomorrow!   WOD 06 27 14 A. 4 Rds [C14]: 8 OHS (135/95) 20 KBS (53/35) 30m bear crawl (length of gym x 2) *counts as 2 reps.

06 11 14

WOD 06 11 14 A. DL (3@63%,3@72%,ME@81%) B. Weighted Front Rack BB Lunge (Step forward, step back (4×14 = 7L,7R) C. 4 attempts for max rep KBS.  Stop before form is compromised.  Score is sum of 4 sets.  Rest as much as