CFRTP Summer Nutrition Challenge! (Starts next week!)  Click the link for details!  Don’t forget to attend seminars tomorrow!


WOD 06 27 14

A. 4 Rds [C14]:

8 OHS (135/95)

20 KBS (53/35)

30m bear crawl (length of gym x 2) *counts as 2 reps.

Every 2 minutes (2:00, 4:00…) perform 7 burpees wherever you are.  Score is total reps.  (30 reps/rd)

B1. EMOM [12] FS 6×4 (55%)

B2. EMOM [12] 6 x Row 0:40 sec max meters

C. Flutter kicks: 2 sets for max reps.  Hands flat under glutes.  Score is total reps.  Rest 2-3 min between sets.

Post times, loads, and comments.

Anmar bear crawl Firestarter

06 27 14
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5 thoughts on “06 27 14

  • 06 27 2014 at 8:20 am

    working out is fun….bear crawls are demoralizing…

    A. 9:08 15# bar
    B1. 95
    B2. 184m
    C. 200/220 (counting each leg as one)

    • 06 27 2014 at 9:40 am

      SO great to see you back in it, Kristen!!

      Totally agree about bear crawls. They can suck it.

  • 06 27 2014 at 9:19 am

    no Jackie?

    • 06 27 2014 at 10:15 am

      Pretty pumped we got that done yesterday then

  • 06 27 2014 at 9:42 am

    This was all out misery today. It’s been a long time since I felt like quitting, but I stuck it out. Endo and I don’t get along.

    A. 88, 44#kb, 65# OHS. Bear crawls ruined me. Between useless hamstrings and my wrists screaming at me to stop, it took a hot minute. This was a 14 minute burpee workout 🙂
    B1. 95#
    B2. 199m avg
    C. 245/220
    10000000 liters of sweat, everywhere.

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