Movie night (This Sunday!)! Who’s in? CrossFit RTP Holiday Party! Mark your calendars for 12/14! Who wants some awesome shorts? MEMBERS: We now no longer require a login to comment on the blog, but for those of you who
11 14 13
Russian Subways Now Accept Squats for Payment Check out the photos that Greg took from the Triangle Invitational! WOD 11 14 13 A1. Bench Press: 5×4 AHAP. Keep loads within 10-20 lbs. Sub pushups if needed A2.
11 07 13
WOD 11 07 13 A. Deadlift: 5×6 @ 80% or Snatch Halting Deadlift: 4×3 @ 73% Snatch B. 3 Position Snatch (2 sec pause in bottom on last rep) AHAP. C. 3 Rounds: 9 u/b Deadlifts (275/185) 12 u/b Pullups (Adv: