10 11 14

WOD 10 11 14 A. Work up to a heavy single OHS or Snatch Balance B. In teams of 3 with 1 person working at a time: 120 Pushups 90 Pullups 60 OHS (95/65) Row 3K as a team 60 OHS (95/65) 90 Pullups

09 23 14

WOD 09 23 14 P A1. Close Grip Bench Press (5×8) Sets across AHAP A2. L sit: 5 sets for max time A3. Inverted Hang from bar: Try for 15-30 seconds each attempt.  5 sets of 3 attempts. Begin in a

08 27 14

WOD 08 27 14 A. [20] 1RM FS B. [10] 1RM Thruster C. “Cindy” [A20]: 5 Pullups 10 Pushups 15 Squats Post times, loads, and comments. Alright folks, it’s testing week!  Time to see our improvements!  Post your PA’s! From