WOD 08 08 14 A. FS (3@63%,3@72%,ME@81%) B. “Jackie” Row 1000m 50 Thrusters (45) 30 Pullups C. AMRAP [4]: 40 WB (20/14) 20 T2B 10 C&J (135/95) Post times, loads, and comments.
08 04 14
WOD 08 04 14 A. BS (3@63%,3@72%,ME@81%) B. GHR: 3×12 B. Adv: Clean DL: 4×3 @ 110% Clean C. 5 rds: 7 PC/12 KBS Row 90 sec for meters Rest 2 min Record PC weight and total meters rowed.
07 28 14
WOD 07 28 14 A. BS (5@59%,5@68%,ME@77%). Base percentages from 2 weeks prior + 10 lbs. B1. Good Morning (3×10) B2. Backwards Walking Sled Drag (facing sled) – 5 total C. AMRAP 4: Row 500m, max WB in remaining time. Rest 4 min.*