WOD 03 05 14
A. EMOM for 20 min:
Odd: 1 Heavy Squat Clean (can be from hang) OR 6-8 Deadlifts @ 73%.
Even: 4-8 strict pullups (can be broken up in max of 2 sets). No work beyond 0:40.
B. Spend 10 minutes practicing T2B. How many can you string together?
C. 4 Rds: 90 sec AMRAP. Rest 90 sec between rounds. Begin each round where you left off previously.
12 Hang Power Cleans (135/95). Sub 16 KBS (53/35)
10 T2B
8 Burpees
Comments: Tell us about the first CrossFit workout you did.
Post times, loads, and comments.
Lydia Valentin 140kg Clean (Slow motion)
03 05 14
day ONE was Helen and I remember thinking oh now I get the appeal of this crossfit thing…. and it’s got me coming back for more day after day
So how come she gets to bend her elbows before full extension?? DOUBLE STANDARD 🙂
Greg, astute observation. I was actually hoping someone would notice :). At very high levels of the sport of Weightligting, a slight bend of the arms prior to full extension can sometimes improve performance (commonly referred to as a hip clean). However, if you’re not cleaning a lot of weight (I mean A LOT like 1.5 times your bodyweight) and starting out in the sport, you should not bend your arms prior to extension in the clean.
🙂 I figured there was a reason, given how amazing the rest of the form is. I watched this several times just to marvel that at SUCH slow motion her elbows still FLY around the bar and she bounces out of the hole about as fast as I do in real time!
There’s got to be a layer of skin on that bar…amaze bar path! we all get that 140kg is like 308lbs right? love that video.
Ya you can actually see her legs turn white on the way up. Wonder how much is chalk rubbing off and how much is skin scraping off 😛
I remember my first day as basically running (which is *still* awful for me) + shoulder/arm destruction. Something like EMOM 20min even: pullups (negative chinups for me), odd: dips. Then an 800m timed sprint, some sort of metcon with more running, and a cashout of 50 pushups for time.
Starting off without heavy lifting the first day was a nice intro, but I could barely move my arms for a week!
My very first WOD was my first day of elements at my old gym (owned by Sarah) with Lei as my elements coach and Dallas in my class :). I can’t remember exactly what it was but it was something like 3 rounds: 200m Run, 10 pushups, 10 pullups and 10 squats…sounds simple enough, but what I learned from the first day was to never go all out 100% sprinting in a METCON, I must have loved it b/c im still here doing CF almost 4 years later 🙂
I remember that day…those three rounds took me like 15min with like two green bands on pullups. I still have my first notebook!
Wow that’s a lot like my elements graduation WOD, just no pull-ups. I wanted to die.
BTW, CrossFit is for everybody, even that 14.1 business 🙂 Here’s your inspiration for the day:
For all those who didn’t sign up for the open….what was your reason?
We clearly no longer have one…
Wow…I am completely humbled by her drive and determination. Thanks for posting this!
New Study Says Too Much Animal Protein Is as Bad as Smoking
it say a Paleo diet is. as bad as smoking but if I have to pick one I’m picking Paleo
So during the same 20 year period as saturated fats were vilified and trans fats a norm, more people got cancer by eating more meat at the same time?
Not to discount their methods, but I bet the subjects aged nearly 20 years over the course of the study due to their consumption of animal protein, too.
Don’t forget that other potential outcomes of this study are the Arab Spring, climate change and fossil-alternative fuels.
Food for thought.
I wasn’t attacking you, btw, Wade. These studies just feel so dime-a-dozen anymore 🙂