WOD 01 08 13
A. Bench Press (5 @ 59%, 5@ 68%, ME@ 77%). Calculate using (Prev 1RM + 10 lbs)
B. For time:
40 KB Swings
30 T2B
20 Push Presses (105/75)
10 CTB Pullups
EMOM Perform 5 Air Squats
C. Weighted Situp (45/25)
Post times, loads, and comments.
01 08 13
did this workout at home
Back squats for strength 5-5-5 worked up to 143lbs
but just realized now that i totally forgot the 5 air squats EMOM, although i guess i replaced it with a mid WOD diaper change and baby soothing after 5 Push Presses
total time was 18:25 with 35#KBS,T2B,78lb PP, only made 7C2B and did 3 regular kipping (total time includes the diaper change and about 50 car seat arm curls)
miss you guys! hope to come in soon for a WOD!!
and good luck to everyone on the nutrition challenge, just stick to it and you will see results!!
Yay misty! Glad to see you back on the blog.
A1. 7@100
B. 7:46
C. 3×10 @25lb
Jason busted out some 65lb weighted situps at the end.
Bonnie also went above and beyond with 45lb weighted situps.
It was awesome.