WOD 08 14 13

A. 3 Position Clean (8 reps).  (Full, Mid Thigh, Hi-Hang).  Work up to a max for the day.  (Adv: Snatch) If technique limits you, FS or DL.

B. 3 sets of static dips (not rings).  Aim to keep same reps all 3 sets.

C. 10 min AMRAP:

10 Pistols (Adv: Weighted)

15 GHD Situps/T2B

20 KB Swings

30 Double Unders (Adv: u/b)

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08 14 13
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4 thoughts on “08 14 13

  • 08 14 2013 at 10:49 pm

    A. 85#. Cleans are my nemesis, or at least my elbows are. I WILL BEAT YOU YET, FRONT SQUAT.
    B. Shoulder almost failed, so moved to red band to get some sets in more comfortably.
    C. 3+5, Pistols on rig, Abmat situps, 44#, DU attempts.


    I finally got the pictures up from Team SuperFit for all to peruse. The angles are terrible (sorry for butts), but I was constantly blocked.

    Team SuperFit Raleigh

    Matt, Roger, Ashley, Ian, D$, Lei, Kris, Kim, Foots, Kara, Liz, Jordan and Chrys all make appearances. 🙂

    • 08 15 2013 at 9:37 am

      Awesome photos, Greg!! They really came out great!
      Sorry my faced messed up some of them…I really don’t know why it does that for photos…do I look like that all the time?? It looks like I put the ‘loony’ in ‘lunatic’! Everyone else looks normal! 😉

      • 08 15 2013 at 11:13 am

        We’ll go ahead and tell you that no, it doesn’t always do that. We promise. 🙂

        • 08 15 2013 at 11:52 pm

          Uh huh…why don’t I believe you… 😉

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