WOD 08 07 13
A1. Floating Deadlift* (4×3). Begin around 50% 1RM. Avoid hitching. Adv: Snatch Floating DL.
*Weight comes close to, but does not touch the ground. Stand on a riser (25#).
A2. GHR (4×8) AHAP
B. Glute Bridge Hold (5×10 seconds). Use 1 leg only to increase difficulty.
C. 5 RFT:
Run 200m
15 Ball Squats (hold at either shoulder) (30/20)
15 KB Swings (53/35)
Post times, loads, and comments.
08 07 13
A2. Check
B. Check
C. 18 min rx
Where’s the mob been? I miss the deadlift octagon of power. It just didn’t feel the same.
A1. 78#
A2. Check
B. Check
C. 16:14 rx
Guess what everybody. Liz has a goal to get a strict chinup by 8/31. This is officially for the record.
How many days prior to this day will she get this?
Taking wagers now.
Where was everyone at 6:30?! I had flashbacks to the first time I ever did a WOD alone and Mitchell was coaching.. I think it was my third day of crossfit ever.
A. 205 to work on grip.
C. 13:06 with airdyne, stone (6 reps) and #40kb. good.. but tough.
I tried to get there but every route into the 54/55 area was blocked with crazy traffic. I had to give up.
Ahhhhhhhh…that explains it.